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New Show: Women's Work

Sara Palin, Librarian by Zina Saunders
Two recent shows at the Society of Illustrators have disappointed me in their lack of participation by a proportionate number of women illustrators, the Anti-War show and the upcoming Politics 08.

Where is the strong, conceptual work being done by women illustrators? We all know that there are plenty of us in the business and that we do have personal viewpoints. Is it simply that women don't get these assignments and so don't have strong editorial pieces to show— which keeps the cycle going? Are women afraid to voice an opinion? Are our ideas shot down before they see the light?

The Women's Work show (here in the bowels of drawger) is meant to encourage women to demonstrate their ability to conceptualize, think critically and come up with images that carry a viewpoint on whatever subject enlists passionate feelings from them.

I'm proud to write that Zina Saunders is someone who did an image specifically for the show expressing an opinion that she says she wouldn't have painted otherwise. And it's a beaut..!

Other early submitters are Cathie Bleck and Diana Bryan. Thanks to all three for getting this off to a great start.
Unlimited Love by Cathie Bleck .
The Jungle by Diana Bryan
Topical: Illustration  
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