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Late night quickie

SEPTEMBER 22, 2006
NY Times job
I've spent so much time laughing at Edel and co.'s posts I've been forced to "burn the midnight oil" for this "rush" job for the NY Times. Randy and David drew Bulls this week, but my assignment had me drawing bears. The article dealt with the contrarian analysis- It owes its name to the observation that investors, as a group, are usually wrong about the direction of the stock market. The market is peaking but most investors are bearish, so the contrarian analysis suggests doing the opposite. The art director likes my "little people" and gave me this horizontal shape. We both liked the balloon sketch but the editor wondered why a bunch of bears would be jumping on a balloon. I thought to myself, "Yeah, he's right, we see packs of bears riding bicycles all the time, but bears jumping onto hot air balloons is not an everyday occurence." Shot down again by the all mighty editor! ;^)
Rejected sketch
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